Product History

This is a product line specifically desinged for the exact analysis of drinking water. The measurement ranges are desinged to meet the particular needs of drining water monitoring.

Submersible miniature fluorometer for highly accurate and selective measurement of tryptophan, CDOM, blue-green algae, chlorophyll a, BT or HC.

TriOS launches OPUS aero, a UV spectral sensor for online measurement of nitrate and nitrite in aeration tanks.

MatrixFlu UV was primarily desinged for the detection of PAH's (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), BTX (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene), CDOM (fluorescent oragnic material), and TRP (Tryptophan= concentration.

NICO, digital, optical photometric insitu nitrate sensor with turbidity compensation is released.

NanoFlu launched - low-cost, submersible, miniaturzed fluorometer for high-precision and selective measurement of CDOM (colored dissolved organic matter), chlorophyll a or phycocyanin in cyanobacteria.

We are winner of the European Business Award as national champion in the environmental and business sustainability category.
Introduction of VIPER G2, equipped with the smart TriOS G2 interface, allowing easy and fast sensor configuration via web browser.

With the development of digital photometer, TriOS began to make a name for itself as one of the leading companies in the filed of optical immersion sensors.

Product development and sales begin to scale.
Launch of LISA, a low-cost, state-of-the-art UV254 absorption photometer. Integrated UV LED technology ensures long product life.

Introduction of OSCAR, an online hyperspectral integrating cavity absorption meter based on the well-know PSICAM (Point Source Integrating Absorption Meter) principle.

VIPER, a VIS photometer for hyperspectral attenuation and transmission measurements between 360 - 750 nm, added VIS photometry to the portfolio.

With the development of fluorometer, TriOS began to make a name for itself as one of the leading companies in the filed of optical immersion sensors.

Office space is moved to Oldenburg and expanded from 150 sqm to 450 sqm. Several sensors are developed, and the product range begins to expand

Already in 1995 TriOS has achieved anexcellent reputation by launching the first hand-held hyperspectral light measurement device for use in marine reseach that was available on the market, RAMSES