
As a company of the environmental- and water industry we are aware of the impacts that mankind have on nature. Therefore we attach great importance to stay sustainable and in harmony with nature, especially as an industrial company. That is why we equipped our rooftops with solar panels, so that 750 panels are now generating sustainable solar energy to cover about 60% of our energy demands. Temperature regulation of the interiors is regulated by a modern geothermal system, so that even our offices use natural terrestrial heat. In the course of our new buildings, many native trees and shrubs have been planted, and our own lake has been converted into a biotope, thus creating a habitat for many birds, insects and other animal species. A biotope in the middle of a commercial area. We have shown that business and nature are not mutually exclusive.


Our latest project has been given the name Tri-Bee by the employees. It is about the creation of an optimal habitat for bees. For years we have been concerned about the disappearance of habitats for bees. We heed the saying: “Once the bee disappears from the earth, man has only four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people. “(Quotation Albert Einstein, 1949).

In order to make our small contribution here, we have replanted about 200 fruit trees (pears, apples, cherries, plums, etc), 100 vines and a large number of maples, limes, oaks and chestnuts as forage plants on the company premises. In addition, we will set aside a portion of our open space as a wet meadow where many wildflowers will find a new home. These will not only serve as a source of food for our industrious new ’employees’, the bees, but also for many other insects, and thus for the entire fauna.
For the professional implementation of the project we have decided to cooperate with the start-up company OL-BEE UG from Oldenburg (, which will take care of our bees with a lot of expertise. The bees will find a home on our grounds all year round, and not only for a few months during the flowering season, as is very common. The mixture of plants present will provide enough food for the bees all year round.

TriOS Declaration on the Handling of Conflict Minerals

As an environmentally friendly company, TriOS is aware of the responsibility we bear in the economy and the world towards our fellow human beings and nature. Therefore, it is also an important concern for us to ensure in our procurement processes that there are no human rights violations as well as environmental damage.

In particular, when dealing with so-called “conflict minerals” such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (also referred to as “3TG”) and cobalt, we would like to comment with respect to Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). The Dodd-Frank Act relates to the above-mentioned materials and their derivatives, which are mined in conflict zones such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjacent countries. It aims to restrict or prevent trade in these substances originating from these conflict areas in order not to support armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries.

In addition to the Dodd-Frank Act, the following important regulatory requirements are also current:

  • OECD Guiding Principles on Supply Chain Due Diligence.
    Global scope, initial focus on 3TGs
  • US Dodd Frank Act , § 1502. for US listed companies
    “Conflict-free” for 3TG with geographic containment.
  • EU Regulation (EU) 2017/821 on due diligence.
    Global application for EU importers of affected raw materials (above quantity threshold)

TriOS is not directly affected by the aforementioned regulations, but we consider it our responsibility to critically monitor our procurement processes and regularly audit our suppliers for compliance with the named guidelines.

To achieve this goal, we have asked our suppliers to provide us with information about compliance in their sourcing processes. Based on interviews with our suppliers and information provided by them, TriOS does not knowingly use metals from conflict regions.