TW Turb

Analyzer for precise drinking water analysis for the parameter turbidity.
The TW Master Series is a product line specifically designed for the exact analysis of drinking water. The measurement ranges are designed to meet the particular needs of drinking water monitoring.
Starting with TW Turb as the first module of the series, TriOS will soon introduce further parameters like nitrate, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorine and also microFlu parameters like tryptophan, chlorophyll, cyanobacteria, cdom and PAH.
The modular design allows an individual combination of parameters to meet the exact requirements of your application. All devices can be installed in a row and analyse all the desired parameters in just one bypass installation.
- Precise analysis of turbidity
- Individual, modular composition
- Einfache Montage und Konfiguration
- Quick cleaning
Areas of application
- Drinking water monitoring in water supply systems
- Quality control in wastewater treatment plants
- Forschungsprojekte zur Wasserqualität
- Turbidity in NTU
- Trübung in FNU